Luxury souvenirs from Portugal:
    What to Offer

    Who hasn't missed their homeland? For those looking to give a gift with a touch of Portugal, or for those who want to carry a little piece of our country in their hearts, Portuguese souvenirs are the ideal choice. Whether it's an aged Port wine, a piece of jewelry from Portugal Jewels or a typical sweet, each gift is a journey through our traditions and flavors, capable of thrilling and enchanting.

    Cidade de Gondomar - Capital da Filigrana e Ourivesaria

    Souvenirs from Portugal to gift

    Portugal, a country rich in history, culture and tradition, offers a multitude of options for those looking for exclusive and sophisticated gifts. Whether for a discerning traveler or to celebrate a special occasion, Portuguese luxury souvenirs are the perfect choice for those who value quality, authenticity and timeless beauty. Take a little bit of Portugal with you.

    When we talk about travel souvenirs, we sometimes associate them with the typical magnets or small gifts. We shouldn't take these little “treats” for granted, since the important thing is the intention and the feeling of remembering someone and offering something in the form of a symbolic gesture.

    However, there are situations in which we want something more special and original that carries with it Portuguese culture and the feeling of nostalgia for this rich and special country. Here are some ideas.

    Portuguese handicrafts

    Portuguese handicrafts are an expression of the creativity and talent of local artisans. Each piece is unique and carries with it the history and tradition of each region. At Portugal Jewels, we are committed to passing on and spreading the beautiful art and culture of our country in incomparable pieces of handicraft.

    Jewelry to offer

    Portuguese jewelry is renowned for its craftsmanship and enduring elegance. Portugal Jewels offers a range of jewelry that draws inspiration from the concept of "Saudade," a sentiment deeply ingrained in heritage. This term encapsulates the sense of longing, for someone somewhere or something experienced in the past. It embodies a blend of affection, nostalgia and wistfulness. In culture "Saudade" holds a significance as it captures intricate emotions that are challenging to express in other languages, due to their depth and complexity.

    The “Saudade” collection is perfect for those looking for a gift full of emotion and meaning.

    Portuguese luxury souvenirs are much more than simple objects. They are true works of art that carry with them the history and culture of a country that can easily be incorporated into the modern lifestyle.

    Heart of Viana earrings

    The Heart of Viana earrings, in gold-plated silver, are a symbol of love, devotion and Portuguese pride. Handmade in filigree, a traditional Portuguese craft, these earrings represent the beauty and tradition of the country. 

    The Heart of Viana earrings are a symbol of saudade, a deep feeling of nostalgia and love for one's homeland shared by those abroad. If you're looking for a unique and meaningful gift for someone special, these earrings are the perfect choice.

    Necklace set

    Together with the symbolism of the Heart of Viana, Portugal's coat of arms is one of the country's oldest and most recognized national symbols. It represents the history, tradition and unity of the Portuguese people. When this symbol is transformed into jewelry, such as a necklace, it becomes an object of great sentimental value, representing the pride and patriotism of the wearer.

    Ring Escudo Portugal

    For an option in a different color, but with just as much symbolism and expression, the silver shield ring is an ideal gift to celebrate special dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, communions or as a gesture of affection for someone special. It's a gift that conveys pride, identity and a deep sense of belonging.

    Gastronomic souvenirs

    Portuguese gastronomy is world-renowned and offers a variety of high-quality products that can be transformed into special and unforgettable gifts that always take us back to the taste of our land.

    Port Wine

    A timeless classic, Port wines are one of our country's bastions in terms of gastronomy and undoubtedly an ideal gift or souvenir for someone who enjoys tasting good wine. The result of a centuries-old production process, it offers a unique experience. Choosing a Vintage Port, a Colheita or an aged Tawny is a gift from the gods. 

    In addition, given its special and carefully designed and thought-out bottles, it can also be a good piece of decoration while being stored to be opened and tasted on a special occasion.

    Typical sweets

    All over the country, from north to south, there are plenty of typical Portuguese sweets to suit all tastes. The iconic pastéis de nata or pastéis de Belém, ovos-moles from Aveiro, queijadas, travesseiros from Sintra... it's hard to choose just one. Any fan of sweets will love it.

    Olive Oil

    Produced from carefully selected olives, Portuguese olive oils are real liquid treasures. Their fruity, spicy or bitter notes delight the most demanding palates. There are different varieties that can be used to add a distinctive touch to any meal.

    Filigrana de Gondomar - Fabrico Artesanal
    Filigrana de Gondomar - Brincos de Coraçaão de Viana em Prata

    Ofereça algo especial com a Portugal Jewels

    As lembranças portuguesas oferecem uma experiência única e personalizada. Seja um vinho do Porto envelhecido, um conjunto de joias com significado ou uma peça de artesanato tradicional, cada presente é uma jornada pela rica cultura e história de Portugal. Ao escolher uma lembrança portuguesa estará a oferecer uma experiência inesquecível e um pedacinho da alma portuguesa.

    Descubra toda a oferta da Portugal Jewels para outras ideias de lembranças para oferecer e para outro tipo de ocasiões.
