The Costume of Viana do Castelo:
    From “Domingar” to “Mordomas”

    Viana do Castelo is a city immersed in traditions, culture, and history. Few cultural expressions are as iconic and representative of this region as the costumes of Viana do Castelo. These traditional costumes, worn on special occasions, are symbols of pride and identity for the locals, reflecting the craftsmanship, care for details, and cultural richness that characterizes this region of Minho.

    Cidade de Gondomar - Capital da Filigrana e Ourivesaria
    ©Arménio Belo

    The Importance of Viana do Castelo Costumes

    Viana do Castelo's costumes go beyond simple clothing. They are an integral part of the region's cultural heritage, a symbol of identity passed down from generation to generation. These costumes are known for their exuberance, vibrant colors, and rich adornments, especially the mordomas' costumes, which are covered in gold. Making these costumes is a meticulous process that involves a combination of artisanal skills, from weaving to embroidery, and each piece has a particular meaning, representing different aspects of local life and culture.

    Domingar Attire: Simplicity and Elegance

    The Viana do Castelo Sunday costume is one of the best-known outfits worn by women from Viana do Castelo during festivals or going to church. This costume, although simpler compared to other festive costumes, is still an example of the elegance and refinement of Viana's traditional costumes. Composed of a full skirt, an embroidered linen shirt, a vest fitted to the body and a colorful headscarf, the Sunday outfit is a symbol of modesty and respect for traditions.

    This costume is often seen during Sundays and other religious celebrations in Viana do Castelo, when women wear their best clothes to participate in masses and processions. Sunday attire reflects the sobriety and simplicity of everyday life, but at the same time, it shows concern for personal presentation, something deeply rooted in Vivian's culture.

    Mordomas Costume: The Splendor of Wealth and Tradition

    Among Viana do Castelo's costumes, the mordoma’s costume is, without a doubt, the most iconic and impressive. This costume is worn by mordomas during the Lady of Agony festivals and other important celebrations and is characterized by its wealth and ostentation. The Viana do Castelo mordoma’s costume includes a velvet or wool skirt, a vest embroidered with intricate patterns, a linen shirt with delicate embroidery, and, the most eye-catching element, the gold pieces that adorn the neck, chest, and hands of mordoma’s.

    Viana's mordomas are the guardians of traditions, and their attire is a symbol of the region's cultural heritage and wealth. The gold pieces worn by mordomas are often inherited from previous generations and are passed down from mother to daughter as a family treasure. If you want to feel the cultural richness and tradition of mordoma’s attire , Portugal Jewels offers a stunning selection of jewelry that perfectly complements this outfit and effortlessly adapts to cutting-edge trends, such as the Heart of Viana Earrings and Necklace in 19.2kt Gold.

    The mordoma’s costume is not only a symbol of material wealth but also of cultural wealth, representing the continuity of traditions and respect for history and ancestors.

    The Viana do Castelo Wedding Attire: A Symbol of Purity and Union

    Viana do Castelo's wedding attire is another example of the richness and diversity of traditional costumes from this region. This attire is worn by brides during their wedding and is characterized by its white color, which symbolizes purity, and the intricate details that adorn each piece. The wedding attire includes a long, full skirt, a fitted vest, a linen shirt with delicate embroidery, and a veil that covers the bride's head and face.

    Just like the mordoma's attire, the Viana do Castelo bridal attire is also adorned with gold pieces, which are often inherited and have deep sentimental value. Gold is seen as a symbol of prosperity and protection, and is worn by the bride as a talisman that will accompany her throughout her married life. You can explore pieces that perfectly complement this outfit at Portugal Jewels, such as the Heart of Viana Ring in 19.2kt Gold or Bracelet with Viana Bead in Golden Silver and Pearls.

    This costume is an expression of the beauty and elegance of the Viennese woman, and is an important part of the wedding ceremony, representing the union of two families and the continuity of cultural traditions.

    Lavradeira Costume: Colors That Tell Stories

    The Lavradeira Costume is known for its vibrant colors, reflecting the different regions of Alto-Minho. Blue tones are associated with coastal areas, green with mountainous regions, and the red costume is recognized as the most typical "à vianesa" or "à moda do Minho." This is a festive, grand gala attire, with a full skirt, a gathered apron, and two scarves that complete the look: one draped across the chest and another over the nape, tied at the top of the head. To complement this richly traditional attire, a Coração de Viana XL Necklace in Gold-Plated Silver is the perfect accessory, harmonizing perfectly with its cultural heritage.

    Festive Costumes: The Wealth and Meaning of Ceremonial Attire

    The Festive Costumes worn by the women of Viana do Castelo are richly detailed garments, often associated with festive moments, both religious and social. For these special moments, accessories like the Relicário XL Necklace in Gold-Plated Silver are the perfect choice, bringing an aura of tradition and spirituality to the ensemble.

    Meia Senhora/Morgada Costume: Elegance and Distinction

    The Meia Senhora Costume, also known as Morgada, reflects an intermediate social position. This costume is an evolution of the lavradeira’s attire, marking a social and economic transition. To complement the elegance of this costume, the Borboleta Necklace in Gold-Plated Silver adds a touch of sophistication, symbolizing the transformation and delicacy of the woman who wears it.

    Mourning Costumes: The Expression of Grief

    The Mourning Costumes are worn during times of family mourning or separation, symbolizing pain and sadness. Predominantly black or in dark tones, these costumes are a visual manifestation of suffering and loss. A discreet and meaningful gold detail, such as the Moeda Necklace in Gold-Plated Silver, can be worn to keep the memory of a loved one alive, in harmony with the sobriety of the costume.

    The Making of Viana do Castelo Costumes: An Ancestral Art

    Making Viana do Castelo costumes is an art that has been passed down from generation to generation. Each piece is made with the utmost care and attention to detail, using techniques that have been developed over the centuries. The weaving, embroidery, and making of the clothing items are done by hand, and each piece is unique, reflecting the skill and creativity of Vivian artisans.

    The materials used to make the costumes include linen, wool, cotton, and velvet, with each material being chosen based on its quality and durability. The embroidery is done with silk or cotton threads and often includes details in gold or silver, which add a touch of luxury to the outfit. Skirts are often embroidered with floral or geometric patterns, and vests are decorated with sequins, glass, and other elements that reflect light, creating a dazzling effect.

    In addition to making the clothing items, creating the accessories that accompany the costumes is also an important part of the tradition. The gold pieces worn by the mordoma’s, for example, are made by local goldsmiths who use ancient filigree techniques to create intricate and delicate jewelry. These accessories are not only decorative but also have a symbolic meaning, representing wealth, prosperity, and protection. If you want to purchase pieces that capture the essence of these outfits, visit Portugal Jewels and explore options such as Beads of Viana Bracelet in Golden Silver or Heart of Viana Earrings 6.0cm in Golden Silver.

    Costume Museum: Guardian of the Traditions of Viana do Castelo

    The Viana do Castelo Costume Museum is an institution dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the region's traditional costumes. Located in the heart of the city, this museum offers a unique opportunity to explore the richness and diversity of Viana’s costumes, from the Sunday costume to the iconic mordoma’s costume. The Costume Museum plays a crucial role in safeguarding Viana's cultural heritage, ensuring that the artisanal traditions and knowledge passed down from generation to generation continue to be valued and appreciated.

    When visiting the Costume Museum, you can delve into the history and culture of Viana do Castelo, admiring up close the craftsmanship and symbolism that each piece of clothing carries. It is an essential place for all those who want to better understand the importance of traditional costumes in the cultural identity of Viana do Castelo.

    Portuguese Jewelry in Viana’s Costumes

    Viana do Castelo costumes are a vibrant expression of the culture and identity of this region of Minho. Each outfit, from the simple Sunday attire to the rich mordoma's attire, tells a story of craftsmanship, tradition, and cultural pride. These costumes are more than just clothes; They are symbols of a rich cultural heritage and a past that continues to influence the present. By preserving and celebrating these costumes, the people of Viana keep their identity alive and share the beauty and richness of their culture with the world.

    If you wish to purchase pieces that complement and celebrate the costumes of Viana do Castelo, Portugal Jewels offers a wide selection of jewelry that captures the essence of this tradition, such as Five Viana Beads Necklace in Golden Silver or the Viana Azulejo Heart Earrings in Golden Silver.
