Engagement Ring:
    Which Finger to Wear It On?

    The moment of engagement is one of the most special in a couple's life. The engagement ring, a symbol of this commitment, carries with it a tradition that may also raise some doubts, especially regarding the correct way to wear it. In this article, we will explore which hand to wear the engagement ring on and which finger to wear it on, unraveling traditions, meanings, and modern practices.

    Anel de Noivado: Em que dedo?

    The Tradition of the Engagement Ring

    The engagement ring is a piece of jewelry full of symbolism, representing a couple's commitment and intention to get married. This tradition dates back to ancient times, being a ritual that has been preserved over the centuries in different cultures. Traditionally, the engagement ring is worn before the wedding to symbolize the promise of a future union.

    Engagement Ring: Which finger to put it on?

    Tradition in Portugal

    In Portugal, as in other countries, tradition dictates that the engagement ring must be worn on the ring finger of the left hand, before the wedding. This custom is rooted in the ancient belief that this finger contains the "vena amoris", or "vein of love", which is directly connected to the heart.

    And after the wedding? On which hand should you wear the engagement ring?

    After the wedding, some people choose to move the engagement ring to the right hand, leaving the ring finger on the left hand for the wedding band.

    The Right Finger in Other Cultures and Countries

    Although wearing the ring on the ring finger of the left hand is the most common, some cultures have different practices. In Germany and Russia, for example, the engagement ring is traditionally worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Therefore, it is important to consider traditions and personal preferences when deciding where to wear the ring.

    How to Wear an Engagement Ring and Wedding Ring Together?

    A practical and aesthetic solution is to wear the engagement ring first and the wedding band later, on the same finger, usually on the left hand. This order not only symbolizes the continuity of the commitment but also maintains the elegance of the jewelry.

    Casal de Noivos
    Colocar Anel de Noivado

    Engagement Ring: Do Men Also Wear It?

    The Masculine Tradition

    Traditionally, engagement rings are more common among women. However, there are a growing number of men who choose to wear an engagement ring as well. This practice reflects a more modern and egalitarian view of commitment, where both partners celebrate the engagement in a symbolic way.

    Choosing a Men's Engagement Ring

    For men who want to wear an engagement ring, there are several options available that combine style and discretion. Men's rings in gilded silver or with more robust designs are popular choices.

    Engagement Ring for the bride: The choice

    Ideas for the Perfect Ring

    Choosing an engagement ring is a significant moment that requires consideration to make the perfect choice. It is important to consider the personal style and preferences of the person who will wear it. Here are some engagement ring suggestions:

    1. Green Queen Ring in Golden Silver: This ring combines elegance and a touch of color for those who like a sophisticated style.

    2. Strength Ring in Golden Silver: With a robust design, it is an excellent choice for those who want to wear an engagement ring.

    3. Amália Flowers Ring in Golden Silver: Inspired by flowers, this ring is ideal for those who appreciate delicate and romantic details.

    4. Red Vintage Ring in Silver and Gold: A vintage piece that brings a touch of nostalgia and symbolizes love stories.

    5. Caramujo Ring in 19.2kt Gold: For those looking for something truly exclusive and luxurious, this ring is a masterpiece in Portuguese gold.

    Ring Personalization

    Personalizing your engagement ring can make it even more special. Engraving a message, a significant date or the bride and groom's initials inside adds a personal touch that will be remembered forever.

    Wear an Engagement Ring Along with a Wedding Ring

    Harmonic Combination

    When choosing an engagement ring, it is advisable to consider how it will match your future wedding band, as many people choose to wear their engagement ring and wedding band together on the same finger. This practice is not only convenient but also aesthetically pleasing, as it contains symbols of moments that are directly linked to each other.

    Usage Alternatives

    Another option is to wear your engagement ring on your right hand after the wedding while keeping your wedding band on your left hand. This alternative allows each ring to be highlighted individually, avoiding excessive wear that can occur when both are worn on the same finger.

    Practical Tips for Wearing Your Engagement Ring

    Maintenance and Care

    To keep your engagement ring in perfect condition, it is important to carry out regular maintenance. Clean it with specific products for jewelry and avoid exposing it to aggressive chemicals. Storing it in an appropriate jewelry box also helps preserve its shine and beauty.

    Perfect Fit

    Ensuring your engagement ring has the perfect fit is essential for everyday comfort. Consult Portugal Jewels to check the ideal size and make the necessary adjustments over time. A well-fitting ring should not be too tight or too loose.

    Choose Traditional Jewelry with Portugal Jewels

    Choosing and wearing an engagement ring is a gesture full of symbolism and tradition. For a delightful selection of engagement rings, visit Portugal Jewels, where you will also find options for earrings, bracelets, or necklaces that will make this moment even more special.
