St Antonio Weddings: The Tradition of the Bride and Groom in Portugal

    On 12 June, Lisbon is getting ready to celebrate the St António Weddings. A centuries-old tradition that unites 16 couples on a unique and unforgettable day, marked by love, faith, and Portuguese culture. The brides and grooms of St Antonio take part in a ceremony that is more than just a simple wedding. They celebrate the union of people from different backgrounds and social realities, promoting inclusion and solidarity. An opportunity to honour the matchmaker saint, St António, patron saint of Lisbon, and relive the city's history.

    What are St Antonio's Weddings?

    The iconic St Antonio weddings are a centuries-old tradition that take place every year in Lisbon on 12 June, the day of St Antonio, the matchmaker saint and patron saint of the city of Lisbon. On this special date, Lisbon City Council selects 16 couples to get married for free in the Church of St Antonio. 

    St Antonio's Weddings are an opportunity to reflect on the values that unite people and reinforce the importance of unity and solidarity. Because of all this symbolism, this tradition ends up being much more than an event.

    History of St Antonio's Weddings

    This magnificent tradition dates back to 1958. The initial aim of this celebration was to give couples with greater financial difficulties the chance to get married and have their special day. 

    Over the years, St Antonio's Weddings have evolved. The love stories of the different couples, as well as the wishes of the participants, began to influence the choice of bride and groom.

    After an interruption between 1974 and 2019, the initiative has finally been revived by Lisbon City Council. The celebration was integrated into the Lisbon Festivities and a public competition was held, from which the 16 couples selected to take part in the St Antonio's Weddings were chosen.

    St António, the matchmaker saint

    The figure of St António is closely linked to the tradition of weddings. Born in Lisbon in the 12th century, this Franciscan friar became known for his eloquence, sympathy and ability to bring couples together. Throughout the country he became known as the matchmaker saint, making him the ideal patron saint for this solidarity initiative.

    Preparations and Conditions for St António's Weddings

    Every year, the tradition of the St António Weddings opens the doors for 16 couples to say ‘I do’ in Lisbon on 12 June. Symbolically, registration opens on 14 February, Valentine's Day.

    There are also some conditions made available by EGEAC to be able to take part in this special occasion, such as: at least one of the couple must have permanent residence in the municipality of Lisbon, the bride and groom must be at least 18 years old at the time of the wedding, and they must be single or in a civil partnership. Applications are made through a public competition, with a set of documents being submitted and a form being filled in online.

    You can also consult the full regulations to see all the rules and conditions.

    Get ready to tell your love story. The 16 ‘winning’ couples are decided by a jury made up of various personalities who assess the couple's story, the theme chosen for the wedding and the motivation of the ‘lovebirds’. Let your creativity run wild!

    St António's brides

    The ‘brides of St António’ are emblematic figures in the tradition of St António weddings. Being a ‘bride of St António’ is more than just getting married. It's taking part in a centuries-old tradition with religious and cultural significance, celebrating love and union and experiencing a unique and unforgettable moment.

    As with any wedding, the dress is extremely important and deserves a great deal of time and planning. When we talk about St António weddings, we also have to bear in mind that this is a joint wedding of 16 couples. As this is a highly publicized event, there is a creative and artistic direction to follow, which has to be combined with the wishes of the brides. 

    Every year there are several shops that sponsor the event and make their dresses available for the brides of St António to choose from. In 2023, Luis Moreira, the creative director, told NiT a curious fact: of the 400 or so women he has already ‘married’, around 75 per cent end up choosing the first dress.

    And because it can't be forgotten, the accessories chosen for a wedding are delicate and elegant jewellery, such as earrings, necklaces and bracelets. The important thing is that you can emphasize the bride's beauty and add a touch of refinement by wearing pieces that are perfect for the occasion.

    When choosing her jewelry, the bride must take into account the style of her dress, her hairstyle and her personality. The important thing is that she feels beautiful, confident and radiant on her wedding day.

    St António Weddings: A Tradition of Love, Solidarity and Symbolism

    St António's Weddings are an example of the richness of Portuguese culture and the importance of preserving traditions. An initiative that promotes values such as love, unity, and mutual help, inspiring new generations and strengthening community ties. An opportunity to relive the history of the city of Lisbon and honour the matchmaker saint, Saint António.

    For the couples who take part, the experience is unique and unforgettable. The opportunity to get married on such a special date, with the support of the community and the symbolism of tradition, makes this moment even more meaningful.
