Our Lady of Conception:
    Patroness of Portugal

    Devotion to Our Lady of the Conception is one of the oldest and deepest religious traditions in Portugal. It has been rooted in the country's history and culture for centuries. This figure occupies a central role in Portuguese national identity because it is directly connected to faith and tradition.

    Origin and history of Our Lady of the Conception

    Devotion to Our Lady of the Conception dates back to the Middle Ages, a period marked by the intense affirmation of the Catholic faith and Portuguese maritime expansion. The apparition of the Virgin Mary to Bernardo de Morais, a humble Portuguese shepherd, in Vila Viçosa, is said to have contributed to the spread of this devotion.

    Mary's immaculate conception, that is, her conception without original sin, is the center of this devotion. The idea of a sinless Mary gained strength in the Catholic Church over the centuries, culminating in the image of Our Lady of the Conception.

    Who does Our Lady of the Conception protect? 

    Our Lady of the Conception, also known as the Immaculate Conception, is venerated in the Catholic Church as the protector of various groups.

    This deity is considered the Mother of the Church and Queen of Heaven and Earth, offering protection to all devotees. She protects women, especially mothers and pregnant women, and is considered a model of faith, purity and motherhood. This divine figure is known for her compassion and care for the sick, and is usually invoked for healing and relief from suffering. In Portugal, Our Lady of the Conception is the patron saint of fishermen, offering protection at sea and helping with abundant fishing.

    Regardless of religion, the figure of Our Lady of the Conception inspires devotion and offers comfort to all who seek protection.

    Church of Our Lady of the Conception in Portugal

    The Church of Our Lady of the Conception in Vila Viçosa is one of the main centers of Marian devotion in Portugal. The shrine attracts pilgrims from all over the world, especially in December during the festivities of the Immaculate Conception.

    In addition, this figure is often represented in art, literature, and music. Our Lady of the Conception is represented in sculptures, paintings and even Portuguese tiles. 

    Celebrating tradition 

    December 8th, a national holiday in Portugal, is celebrated with great devotion throughout the country. At this time of year, religious celebrations are highlighted, along with family reunions and shared moments. This sacred figure is not only a religious symbol, but also a symbol of hope, comfort and protection. The veneration of this deity translates into an extremely rich religious and cultural heritage, linking the deep connection between the Portuguese people and the Mother of God.

    The faith and soul of the Immaculate Conception translated into accessories 

    Portugal is a country with a rich history and an enormous religious tradition, boasting a strong connection between faith and the people. This devotion is present in beliefs and practices, but also in everyday elements such as accessories. 

    To celebrate December 8th, Portugal Jewels has launched a silver necklace with a filigree medal featuring an enamel image of Our Lady of the Conception, Patroness of Portugal, with the abbreviation “Na. Sa. da Conceição” on the back of the medal. Sa. da Conceição”. As well as materializing all your faith in a physical element, buying one of these medals is creating a lasting legacy.

    Find unique jewelry at Portugal Jewels with guaranteed quality and authenticity!
